Oooh, Shiny New Forums! (ooh's and aah's here!)
This is really pretty awesome. Nice job Johnny!
Oops that was me. Wasn't logged in!
The more I use these forums the more I like them. This was a fantastic choice for platform. Thank you for putting this together. Having built a few (terrible) forums over the years I can appreciate the sheer amount of work involved.
This is so....shiny! Johnny, this is amazing.
Just realised the best thing about these new forums - I can customise how it looks so it looks more like of my work systems that Reddit ever did.
Not that I condone reading these forums whilst in work. Nope. Not at all.
I just can't express this enough about the new forums!
Great work, Johnny! I"m also "in the biz" and know how much work it is.
Sooooooo Awesome!
Thanks for the time and effort you guys spend on this kind of stuff.
I had to wear kid gloves, afraid I might smudge this shiny new forum
me like!
Top job as always chaps, nice clean interface, looking forward to many years of happy posting.
Many Thanks.
<blush> me above!
O.O, @.@!!!! SHINY!
Finally managed to get on here - forums look awesome!!
Great job guys!
One forum can never have to many Firefly references as far as I am concerned
@Shatznr Fly a Gila and then you'll basically be flying Serenity!
Thank you ever so much for all the work to get us here. These are fantastic.
I like how easy it is to keep track of forum trends and all unreads in the form of a notification on the top bar.
@Cali-Estemaire I was looking at training into one - but unless I looked at the market wrong...they are a bit pricey.
@Mynxee Ooh aah!!