New SoE Eye Candy!
@Gaston-Charante oooooooh!!!! I read "alternate universe" as Serenity.
Color me intrigued, very very intrigued
I need to buy a new Stratios.
My new Astero I just purchased in Thera would love a new paint job
I definitely approve!
And I just bought the Sanctuary skins! Well, you can't have too many outfits in the closet, can you?
@Gaston-Charante I has a look on SISI now, definitely nice, but I can see where the Wingspan association comes from.
In the end this skin is not for me, too shiney. I still want a Cold Iron SOE line.
@Mathis-Chanlin said in New SoE Eye Candy!:
@Gaston-Charante I has a look on SISI now, definitely nice, but I can see where the Wingspan association comes from.
In the end this skin is not for me, too shiney. I still want a Cold Iron SOE line.
I'd quite like something in dark red. In fact I'd like all my ships to be dark red, not just the SoE ones. Red ships go faster, it's a fact.
I'd go for a skin that had the 'reverse' color scheme tbh. Imagine all orange with some greyish features..!! I'd be ALL OVER that sucker with my hard earned isk out in deep null! In general I think CCP should go completely BANANAZ on the skins and just put a greater number of different types out there. Some might even be hard to obtain through missions, feats or whadevva....I'm down for stuff like that!
Oh my yes. All I have wanted since I first saw the Cold Iron Skin was a version for my Astero and my Stratios.But I will say it looks perfect on my Anathema CovOps. Covert Operations ships should be matte black.
@Lucas-Ballard agreed. I have the Valimor Legacy for my Nemesis, although subtle and not quite black it makes me a happy Guppy everytime I decloak
I want! I want ! I want!
Very deluxe !!!