You guys really want me in another forum?....lolz..;)
@Ru-Naan COYS!
@Dr-Zemph As someone who used to live in Liverpool and now resides in Manchester, I'm offended.
Or I would be if I cared about football in the slightest.
Oh my god, Spurs fans in SC? It's too good to be true.
@Elliot-Rotineque Another one here! Today was not a good day
@Isaac-Anders C'MOON MY LAD!!! a fellow 'YID'!! COYS!!!
@Elliot-Rotineque GEET IIN MY LAD!!! COYS!!!
I had no idea this many people liked dumpster-tier Clubs
Spurs/Gunners is my favorite game of the year, right behind ManU's derby day. COYS!!!
@Dr-Zemph My guru just admitted to being a is over...
@Ru-Naan @Dr-Zemph @Elliot-Rotineque @Meritxell @Cali-Estemaire I hear merseyside is nice this time of year though... well, as nice as a place where it's always cold and rainy can be, I guess.
@Triffton-Ambraelle Merseyside is never nice, in any context, no matter how you try to frame it
Three words: Lingerie Football League.
PS Don`t waste your time or anything else. I even abandoned hockey.
Football is rubbish
(not bitter at the last two weeks results at all)
@Mordino I'm well aware. I watch football (both) as well, on top of hockey. I like violent sports.