Hello Signal Cartel
 image url)
Tried to post a screen shot of what it's showing me but I don't have permission to do so. I really don't know what I'm doing wrong (I'm sure it's me)
Aloha and welcome to Signal Cartel !
Post it to imgur and then link it. We'll get it sorted!
Also, forum access can take up to 24 hours after you join. So maybe wait a day and see if it works for you tomorrow.
Just for the record, Maximilian and I have talked and I've reported the tech details to @Johnny-Splunk for his response. We'll get things sorted soon enough, I'm sure.
@Mynxee Looks like Edge Browser... I usually use Chrome. Maybe related to how secure the default settings of Microsoft Edge are. #just my 2 isk.
Thanks, @System-Baud.
Max, I seem to vaguely recall some issues with Edge and either our forums or maybe it was our AI co-pilot Allison. Either way, it might be worth your time to download Chrome and try logging into the forums in that browser....just to possibly rule out (or in) Edge as the culprit.
Johnny reports that he was successfully able to log in as Maximilian Bane using the Chrome browser. As I suggested in our conversation last night, Max, you might wish to install Chrome and try logging in with that.
Welcome to our merry band! Hope that you find the pacifistic explorer's life to your liking!