New Title...
Ok, peeps..just been handed a new title through Johnny Splunk's stream...can't remember from who,...but I guess it will have to count - 'Mr Extra Spicy Rigged' seems to be the one I'm wearing after winning a plex..
I was 'congratulated' by peeps in cht as: "-U really don't need it!', "-Totally rigged! RE-ROLL!"...and from mr Johnny himself..."-Oh couldn't happen to a more undeserving plr...".
I'll take all these warm 'congratz' on board as I scroll through the 'phonebook' for mr Chance Ravinne's digitz...say 'hi' from me when u see him on grid........;)
Yours truly!
/Ru 'Mr Sansha Space Moneybags' Naan (aka @AphexTriplets)
@Ru-Naan I for one welcome our V0LTA Spai
@Ru-Naan we only torment you because we love you
@Ru-Naan You know you like the sick bantz.
and emojis