My first Medal - For participating in the Journey of Katia Sae Anniversary Event
It's awesome! I have hardly learned how to navigate and I am on an adventure. "Journey of Katia Sae Anniversary Event" and an incredible CORP. Then I'll get my first medal today. What a great week!
I've been very happy about it. Thank you!
Thanks so much for participating! You earned it, show it off with pride.
Saw mine a few moments ago. I was very sad I wasn't around to help during your journey. I'm a little bit less so now
Thank you very much Katia for setting up this event!
@Ben-Kalkoken Awesome! I know it's hard having missed an event you would like to have been a part of at the time. So glad this event has helped connect you to our corp history. o7 You're part of it now.
@Dr-Strike Congratulations !
Congratulations! One cool thing people may have missed is that these medals are named after the ships that Katia flew during her own journeys
@Captain-Crinkle is absolutely right!
And it was Capt's suggestion too and a doh moment for me when I asked in corp admin for medal naming suggestions.
In Sunday's corp mail, I'll be announcing the medals and the awardees (is that a word?
) I was getting ahead on my paperwork because tomorrow is going to be a busy corp day of activity.